Pool Bluetooth Access Registration Agreement

The Creekwood HOA utilizes a Bluetooth system to access the amenity center and pool. Please complete the steps listed below to obtain access. 

1. Complete the access request form located at the bottom of this page and send it to dfwamenity@goodwintx.com.

2. The Team will verify ownership and HOA balance status, and then send you an email containing instructions to download the VizPin app, create your user profile, and enter the location ID. 

3. When you have completed the app setup, VizPin sends an email to the Amenity Team letting us know to send your pass.

4.  We will send your pass!  You should then see "Creekwood HOA Pool" as your location. You are now fully registered and able to use the app for access to the pool. However, please be aware you will not be able to access the pool during non-operational hours/dates.